We make exciting changes to the Push Platform every month, and we want to share those with you. Take some time to read through the changes we made to Push. If interested in a specific Push product, click the links below to jump to that section. If you have questions about a particular functionality in another plan, reach out to support@pushoperations.com to learn more, or you can also check out our product roadmap here.
Update To Sales Summary Tab
Push Subscription: All Plans
A small but important update: the headers in the Sales tab are now larger, making it easier to view sales and labour data at a glance! With clear headers, you can now scroll through and quickly find exactly what you’re looking for!
Filter Options In The Employee Information Report Are Now Ordered Alphabetically
Push Subscription: All Plans
You may have noticed that the filter options in the Employee Information Report are now organized alphabetically! This update makes it easier to find and apply the filters you need, allowing you to quickly customize reports with the exact details you’re looking for.
Employee attributes are also now more clearly separated from the other filters, making it easier to review and include them in reports as needed.
For a step-by-step guide on how to this report or a breakdown of what each filter means, please reference one of these articles: How To Run An Employee Information Report or What Do All Of The Options Under The Employee Information Report Mean?
Today Button
Push Subscription: All Plans
In case you missed it, a "Today" button is now live on the Scheduler! With this small but mighty update, administrators can instantly return to the current day or week when navigating through past or future dates. This means less time clicking around and a quicker way to stay on top of your team's shifts!
Libro (Reservation Data)
Push Subscription: Pro or Premium (Available to Push users)
We are proud to announce that we now offer an integration with Libro! Restaurant reservation data can now be synced directly into the scheduler. Making it easier than ever to view and manage shift coverage and reservations all in one place.
Simply toggle on the Reservations toggle under Filters, and users will see the total number of guests and reservations at a glance. And there’s more—click into any specific day to get a detailed breakdown of reservations by time and party size, making it easier than ever to plan ahead!
For users who are using Libro and Push already and are interested in setting up this integration, please send a request to the Libro Support Team requesting your Restaurant Code. Once received, send it over to the Push Support Team at support@pushoperations.com to continue the integration setup for completion!
Leave Management
Quick Link To Employees Time Off Dashboard
Push Subscription: Premium or Pro with Leave Management Add-On (Both require the Payroll Add-On)
Great news! A new link in Leave Management Policies now lets administrators jump directly to an employee’s time off dashboard in their profile. This update makes it quicker and easier to review pending or past requests for a more streamlined and efficient approach.
New Policy Reset Option For Employee Birthdays
Push Subscription: Premium or Pro with Leave Management Add-On (Both require the Payroll Add-On)
More updates to Leave Management! There’s now a fourth option for resetting Policies based on an employee’s birthday. Administrators can now choose from an employee’s hire date, birthday, custom date, or opt not to reset at all, giving your team greater flexibility in managing leave policies!
For employees with an unrecorded birthdate, a message will appear in the Leave Management Policy, displaying a list along with quick links for your team to update their information!
If you wish to purchase the Leave Management feature, please don't hesitate to contact your account representative directly to best assist you. If you do not have an account representative, please contact the Support Team at support@pushoperations.com to connect you with one!
For a step-by-step guide on setting a reset frequency in a policy, please reference the following article: How To Add A New Leave Management Policy
Enterprise Dashboard
Filter Enterprise Employee Information Report by Company/Location
Push Subscription: Premium
More updates to the Enterprise Dashboard! The Enterprise Employee Information Report now includes the option to filter by companies/locations! This enhancement allows for more precise data customization and easier filtering, ensuring you get the specific insights you need!
If you're interested in the Enterprise Dashboard and do not see it in your account, please don't hesitate to contact your account representative directly. If you do not have an account representative, please contact the Support Team at support@pushoperations.com who can connect you with the relevant team member!
For a step-by-step guide on how to generate this report, please review the following article: How To Run An Enterprise Employee Information Report
Employee Management
Update Direct Deposit Details From The Push Employee App
Push Subscription: All Plans
Employees can now update their direct deposit details directly from the Push Employee app on their mobile devices! Previously available only on desktops, this feature is more accessible, allowing employees to manage their details on the go.
Note that this update allows employees to edit their existing Direct Deposit details only, not to change to a different payment method. For example, if an employee is set to receive a Company Cheque, they can view this information from the app but cannot switch to Direct Deposit—they can only update existing Direct Deposit details if they are already enrolled. For any payment method changes, employees should log in on a desktop or contact their direct manager or employer.
A reminder that a member of the Push Team will need to activate a toggle in your account to allow employees to make changes to their banking details from a desktop and now app. If interested, please contact the Support Team at support@pushoperations.com to best assist you! Coming soon, administrators will be able to manage this setting and more themselves! Stay tuned for more details in an upcoming What's New!
For instructions on how to update the payment method details as an employee, please reference either of these articles: How To Update My Bank Details On A Desktop or How To Update My Bank Details From The Push Employee App
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