- What happens if I change something under Clock Settings
- Push Web App
Under Clock Settings, these will adjust certain information and features that relate to clock entries and Clock Approvals.
Compare Clock to Schedule
For clock entries to be auto-approved or flagged, you can select from the following based on employees clocking in on time, early, or late.
- On Time- Clock In/Out: Within x minutes of Scheduled, Use Scheduled, or Use Clocked
- Early- Clock In/Out:
- Use Scheduled, Use Clocked, Use Clocked (round up to nearest 15 min [only adjusts the Payable Hours and not the clock times]), Use Clocked (round down to nearest 15 mins [only adjusts the Payable Hours and not the clock times]), Require Manager Review/Approval, or Prevent Clock In
- Late - Clock In/Out: Use Scheduled, Use Clocked, Use Clocked (round up to nearest 15 min, Use Clocked (round down to nearest 15 mins), or Require Manager Review/Approval
If Use Clocked (Round up to the nearest 15 min) is selected, the Payable Hours for the clock will be calculated by the following:
- 0-14th will round up to the 15th minute
- 15-29th will round up to the 30th minute
- 30-44th will round up to the 45th minute
- 45-59th will round up to the 00th minute
If Use Clocked (Round down to the nearest 15 min) is selected, the Payable Hours for the clock will be calculated by the following:
- 0-14th will round down to the 00th minute
- 15-29th will round down to the 15th minute
- 30-44th will round down to the 30th minute
- 45-59th will round down to the 45th minute
Require Manager Review/Approval
For clock entries that you do not want auto-approved, you can flag them to be reviewed even if they are within the parameters set under Compare Clock to Schedule.
- Flag when clock duration (less breaks) exceeds x hours: Employees' clock entry will be marked as unapproved if it exceeds a specific amount of hours
- Flag when an employee enters comments during clock in/out: Employees clock entry will be marked as unapproved if a comment is inputted
- Flag when there is a mismatch between employee's scheduled position/clocked position: Employees Clock entry will be marked as unapproved if the scheduled position and clock position are not align
- Prevent clock in when an employee is unscheduled: An employee will not be able to clock in on the Push Time app or Push Employee app if enabled
You can set how an employee's break time is captured within the associated clock entry. Note that some of these features are based on your Push subscription.
- None: Breaks are not auto-populated in an employee's clock entry
- Automatically deduct breaks: Employees' clock entry automatically deducts a break time that is designated (i.e. deduct 30 minutes for more than 5 hours of work)
- Employee enter break times when they clock out: Employees will enter the total break time during clock out to deduct from total hours of work in the clock entry
- Employees break in and out: Employees will break in and out and will be deducted from total hours of work to deduct from total hours of work in the clock entry
Other Settings
- Use Camera Feature: Employees are required to take a picture during clock in and out
- Auto Approve Salary Employees: Employees' clock entries are automatically approved if they are salaried regardless of their clock start and end times
- Allow Employee Mobile Time Attendance: When logged into the Push Employee app, employees can clock in and out on a mobile device. Filter access by all or specific Positions to assist your team with ensuring that employees use the correct device to clock in and out.
Automated Clock Out Settings
You can set that clock entries that are still in progress after x amount of time in a day can automatically be clocked out.
- None: Employees who forget to clock out will never be clocked out automatically
- Time: Employees who forget to clock out after a specific time in the day will be automatically clocked out
- Duration: Employees who forget to clock out after a duration of hours in the day will be automatically clocked out
Tablet Device
The device that is being used for clocking in and out on the Push Time app will need to be registered under Clock Settings.
The Device ID is required in order to register and you have the option to input a Note (i.e. Push's Tablet).
Certain devices can also be filtered for specific Positions to assist your team with ensuring that employees are using the correct device to clock in and out.
Additional Information
If you do not see some of these options under Clock Settings, the features may be exclusive to our Premium Subscription. If you wish to learn more about the costs and product, please contact our Push Support Team team at who can best assist with connecting you with the relevant team.
Please note that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permission to set up clock settings can make changes(Changes to Mobile Time and Attendance is exclusive to Super Administrators).
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