- How to adjust the date of rehire for an employee
- Push Web App
- Click the Employees tab
- On the left hand navigation bar, select the appropriate Employee List: Active, On Leave, or Inactive
- Under Search, input the name of the employee
- Under Edit, click the Pencil icon that corresponds with the employee
- Scroll down to the Employment Details section and under Date Of Rehire, input the correct date
- Once completed, click update Employee
Additional Information
Your Team may need to adjust the Date of Rehire under an Employee Profile, if it was reactivated and an incorrect date was inputted or the employee ended up starting at a later time after it being initially reactivated.
You are not able to adjust the Date of Rehire to a date that conflicts with the Date of Hire or Inactivate date.
Please note that Super Administrators and Team Administrator with permissions to View/Update Employee Information will only be able to edit the Rehire Date.
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