- How to increase salaries for a large number of employees at the same time.
- How to apply annual raises or other bulk salary edits.
- How to bulk update employee salaries during minimum wage increases.
- Push Web App
- In top right hand corner, click the Company name
- In the drop down menu, click Company Setup
- On the left navigation side, click Bulk Salary Updates
- Click Positions - Blank for All to select specific Positions you wish to update or leave blank for all
- Under Minimum Rate, click the white box and input the minimum salary rate you wish to update
- Select Maximum Rate, click the white box and input the maximum salary rate you wish to update
- Check/Uncheck the box that corresponds with Exclude Inactive Employees
- Once done, click Search
- A list will appear of all employees that meet the requirements that was searched
- Under Actions, click the X icon if you need to remove an employee
- Under New Rate, click the white box and input the rate of pay you wish to assign to the employees
- Under Date, click the white box and input the Start Date of the rate of pay
- Click the Update button
- In the pop up, click OK
- In the pop up, click Confirm
Additional Information
Push no longer offers the service to update employee salaries for minimum wage increases.
Double-check bulk updates by running the Employee Information Report.
Search notes:
- The search only picks up employees with current salary rates.
- The system won't pick up a salary dated before 2020-10-01.
- The system won't pick up a fixed end date.
- Don't use the $ symbol in the Rate fields.
- If there is a difference in your provincial minimums for liquor servers minimum wage vs. general minimum wage you should search for the liquor serving positions vs. general minimum wage positions and update them accordingly.
Search example:
- Effective October 1, 2020, Ontario raised the general minimum wage from $14.00 to $14.25 for general minimum wage employees and $12.20 to $12.45 for liquor-serving positions.
- In this case you could search for employees with a rate between $14.00 - $14.24 (omitting the "$").
- Alternatively, you could search for liquor servers with rates between $12.20 - $12.44 (omitting the "$").
Search results:
- If you do not want to update one of the employee salaries in the list, you can remove it by clicking the X icon under the Action heading.
- Removing an employee from the search results list will not delete the employee's salary; it will just remove that individual from the update list.
- If you accidentally remove an employee from the list, you can always re-run the search.
Please note, only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permissions will have access to bulk update employee salaries.
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