- Why cannot I not run payroll when there are no unapproved clocks under Clock Approvals?
- Push Web App
Clock Approvals only show clock entries for employees that are Active. If you have confirmed that there are no unapproved clock entries under Clock Approvals, you may have Employee's that clocked in/out whose Profiles are either in Pending, Inactive, or On Leave.
Please review if any employees are either new or recently terminated that may have worked the current pay period you are trying to run payroll for. If you are not aware of a specific individual, you can generate the Audit Clock Approvals Report for the timeframe and it will flag any clock entries that are unapproved.
Additional Information
Once you have found which employee(s) is associated with the unapproved clock entries, you will need to find the Employee Profile in the appropriate Employee List and View Clock In/Out Times (Clock icon under Edit) and either approve or delete the clock entries.
Note, that even if the clock entries are approved, the employee will not be part of payroll unless they are in the Active Employee List.
Please note, that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permissions will be able to adjust the clock entries.
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