You can now view your work schedule on your personal calendar subscription to better organize workdays and my days off by syncing your work schedule from Push with your external calendars!
Your unique URL can be pasted into your calendar subscriptions for the most popular apps/programs (ie. Mac Calendar, iOS, Gmail, etc.). If there are not steps below we recommend checking your calendar settings or support.
How to get your unique URL
1. On the Desktop, navigate to My Schedule
2. On the top right above your schedule calendar select the blue button Sync with External Calendar and you'll get a pop up dialog window
3. Copy the unique Calendar URL at the top of the pop up to paste it into your calendar service
4. Once you have the URL copied you can paste it into your calendar service (below), you can always come back to this page and copy the Calendar URL it again
macOS Calendar:
Open the macOS Calendar app
Click on File and select New Calendar Subscription…
Enter the URL you got from Push in the previous steps into the Calendar URL field
Click Subscribe
Enter a name for your new calendar
Make sure Remove: Alerts and Remove: Attachments are both Unchecked.
Select how often the calendar should refresh (recommended at least once Every Day)
Click Ok. You should see your new calendar events populated.
Open the Settings app.
Tap on Calendar, select Accounts, select Add Account, select Other
Select Add Subscribed Calendar.
Enter the above URL into the Server field
Select Next
Change the Description field to something unique, (ie. Push Operations, Work, Schedule, etc.).
Select Save. The setup is complete, and the calendar’s settings will now be available under Subscribed Calendars.
Select Fetch New Data.
You should see your new calendar listed with either Fetch or Manual on the right of the row. -
If it says Manual, tap on the row and select Fetch.
Tap Back to return to the Fetch New Data screen.
Scroll down to the fetch settings and choose the fetch frequency that works best for you:
Automatically: new data will be fetched only when your phone is plugged in and on Wi-Fi.
Manually: new data will be fetched only when opening the app (does not fetch in the background).
Hourly: new data is fetched every hour.
Every 30 Minutes: new data is fetched every 30 minutes.
Every 15 Minutes: new data is fetched every 15 minutes.
Open the Calendar app. You should see your new calendar events populated:
Google Calendar (Desktop):
1. Tap the Plus button next to add other calendars
2. Select From URL from the dropdown
3. Paste your copied Calendar URL and then select Add Calendar
4. You can give your calendar a new name (instead of the URL) under the Calendar Settings
5. Change any notifications for the calendar under the same settings
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