- How to attach a HR Task to employees
- Push Web App
Assign HR Task from HR Employee Tasks:
- Click the Employees tab.
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click HR: Employee Tasks
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click Add/Update Tasks
- Under Employee, click the drop-down menu to select the appropriate employee
- Once done, click Update Tasks
- The page will refresh, and you will be under Employee Tasks
- Under To Do Items, click the drop-down menu under Description to choose the appropriate Task
- Under Date Due, input the date when the Task must be completed by the employee
- Under Date Completed and Completed, leave blank as these will auto-populate
- Once completed, click Update Tasks
- The page will refresh, and your employee(s) will receive an email notification that a Task has been assigned to them!
Assign HR Task from the Employee Profile:
- Click the Employees tab
- On the left-hand navigation bar, select the appropriate Employee List: Active, Pending, On Leave, or Inactive
- Under Search, input the employee's name
- Click the Pencil Icon that is under the Edit column that corresponds with the employees
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click Employee Tasks
- Under To Do Items, click the drop-down menu under Description to choose the appropriate Task
- Under Date Due, input the date when the Task must be completed by the employee
- Under Date Completed and Completed, leave blank as these will auto-populate
- Once completed, click Update Tasks
- The page will refresh, and your employee(s) will receive an email notification that a Task has been assigned to them!
Additional Information
Once the HR Task has been assigned, it will be located under My Files for employees and it will be listed as Incomplete until it is completed.
If you need to assign multiple employees the same HR Task, you can Bulk Add Tasks.
Please note that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permission can add HR Tasks Presets.
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