- I'm transitioning to Leave Management. How do I convert the employee's dollar amount?
- Push Web App
Leave management works based on hours, not dollars. When transitioning o leave management, the employee's current dollar values must be converted. The easiest way to do this is run generate the Balances Report and look for the column Balance $ (Includes opening); this is the employee's vacation balance as of the most recent pay run that was processed.
After running the Balances, Report generates the Employee Information Report. Make sure to check off the Salary box. Using the employee hourly rate, you will divide it into the Balance $ (Includes opening); this then converts the dollar balance to hours. See the example of the equation Vacation Dollars ($600) /Hourly Rate ($16.00) = Vacation Hours (37.5 Hours). Once the vacation hours balance has been calculated following the steps, a Balance Adjustment will need to be completed using an off-run or by processing payroll.
Additional Information
We recommend exporting the Balances Report and the Employee Information Report to Excel and using an lookup based on the employee's name to merge the balance and rate into one worksheet. If an employee has a yearly salary in Push that needs to be broken down to their hourly rate, this can be done by taking the employee's total annual salary and dividing it by the number of hours in the salary period.
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