- How to enable or disable certain requirements for employees during self-onboarding
- Push Web App
- Click the Employees tab
- On the left hand navigation bar, click Employee Settings
- Under Employee Settings, click Onboarding Settings
- Under Settings, check or uncheck the box that corresponds with either of the following:
- Emergency Contact Required
- Employees Require Admin Review
- Disable Issued Cheque
- Disable Direct Deposit
- Require Salary Rate When Activating Employee
- Onboarding Employees Can Update Availability
- Copy ATS Candidate Availability
- EEO Fields Are Required In Employee Setup (USA only)
- Once completed, click Update Onboarding Settings
Additional Information
Onboarding Settings allows Administrators to customize the digital onboarding experience for new employees, ensuring that all necessary new hire information is captured before the employee profile is activated.
These settings determine what employees will see during digital onboarding and include one option to ensure all required information is completed prior to activation.
Here are explanations of what each setting entails:
- Emergency Contact Required: If enabled, employees must fill in details about an emergency contact during self-onboarding
- Employees Require Admin Review: If enabled, all Pending Employee Profiles must have the Status of Admin Review to be activated into the Active Employee List (i.e. Employee cannot be activated if the Status is Invite Sent or In Progress)
- Disable Issued Cheque: If disabled, employees are not able to select Cheque as a Payment Method during self-onboarding
- Disable Direct Deposit: if disabled, employees are not able to select Direct Deposit as a Payment Method during self-onboarding
- Require Salary Rate When Activating Employee: If enabled, Pending Employee Profiles must have salary information (inputted by an Administrator) before being activated to the Active Employee List (i.e. If there is no salary information, the user will receive a pop-up message stating this when attempting to activate)
- Onboarding Employees Can Update Availability: If enabled, Pending Employees must submit what days/hours they can work in a week during self-onboarding
- Copy ATS Candidate Availability If enabled, Candidates from ATS who filled in their weekly availability during hiring will have these details copied into their employee profile and will not be required to complete them again during digital onboarding or submit a request
- EEO Fields Are Required In Employee Setup (USA only): If enabled, the EEO fields for gender, ethnicity, and job category must now be assigned the relevant information in an employee profile. Administrators will not be able to complete the action to activate a pending employee or update an existing profile unless the fields are filled in with the relevant details.
If an employee has completed all their onboarding but their status still reads "In Progress" under the Pending Employee List, you can temporarily disable the Employee Require Admin Review setting to activate the profile. Please note that if you do this and the profile is later reviewed and found to be missing any details, an Admin will need to manually input the missing information. If any forms are incomplete, they can be reassigned as an HR Task for the employee to complete again digitally.
Important Notes:
- Only Super Administrators have access to Onboarding Settings
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