- How to approve time off requests from an employee's balance
- How to trigger the system to automatically payout an employee for time off
- Push Web App
How to approve a request from a Paid Policy:
- Click the Scheduler or Employees tab
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click Shift Approvals
- Scroll to Vacation and Payout Requests box to review the list of requests that employees have submitted
- Under Actions, click the Check Mark icon that corresponds with an employee's request
- A pop-up message titled Approve Request will appear
- Under Select A Position To Approve The Balance Request For, the Primary Position associated will appear or click the drop-down menu and select the relevant Position if applicable
- Under Select An Earning Type, the Earning Preset associated with the Leave Management Policy will be listed (i.e. Vacation Payout, Sick Payout [This preset is what will be used to pay the employee])
- Once ready, click Approve Request
The page will refresh, and the time off request will be approved!
- The system will automatically create Earning and Deduction entries to pay and adjust the balance in the next pay period
- The system will automatically note the employee is away on the Scheduler for the relevant dates
How to approve a request from a Tracking (Unpaid) Policy:
- Click the Scheduler or Employees tab
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click Shift Approvals
- Scroll to Vacation and Payout Requests box to review the list of requests that employees have submitted
- Under Actions, click the Check Mark icon that corresponds with an employee's request
- A pop-up message titled Approve Request will appear
- Under Select A Position To Approve The Balance Request For, the Primary Position associated will appear or click the drop-down menu and select the relevant Position if applicable
- Once ready, click Approve Request
The page will refresh, and the time off request has been approved!
- The system will automatically create Earning and Deduction entries to adjust the balance in the next pay period
- The system will automatically note the employee is away on the Scheduler for the relevant dates
How to reject a time off request
- Click the Scheduler or Employees tab
- On the left-hand navigation bar, click Shift Approvals
- Scroll to Vacation and Payout Requests box to review the list of requests that employees have submitted
- Under Actions, click the X icon that corresponds with an employee's request
- A pop-up message titled Confirm Action will appear, click OK
- The page will refresh and the time off request has been rejected! The employee will receive an email notification!
Additional Information
Users may want to consider the following details listed under one of these Columnswhen approving or rejecting time off requests:
Employees: The employees' first and last names will be displayed, as well as a date and time stamp as to when the request was submitted
- For example, if two employees submitted time off for the same time frame, you can see who submitted a request first
Start/End Date: The employee's chosen date(s) will be listed as to when they will be away, as well as a comment that was inputted
- For example, if there is a discrepancy with the chosen dates or comments, this will allow users to have a further discussion with the employee
Request Amount: The employees current balance amount, total request, as well as a break down per day will be displayed
- For example, an employee is requesting time off that they do not have enough hours/days for; this may be a deciding factor to reject the request
Other Employees Off: Any other employee's with the same Position that have already been approved for time off will be listed
- For example, if there are multiple employees listed, this may be a deciding factor to reject this time off request as your business cannot afford to have so many employees off at the same time who work the same role
Once the request is approved, you will be able to see the Earning and Deduction Entries listed. Please review the following article on how to review: How To View, Search, And Filter Previous Earnings and Deductions. Users will also be able to make changes to these entries if needed!
When the relevant payroll is processed, users will be able to see on the paystub that the balance has lowered to match the amount of days/ hours taken, as well as a payout to the employee if they requested from a paid Policy.
If the employee is salaried and part of a Paid Policy, their regular pay will automatically be lowered with an Earning and Deduction entry that is a negative amount based on the approved time off request. If this is not occurring in your account, please contact the Push Support Team at support@pushoperations.com to enable a feature.
Employees will receive an email notification once a request is approved or rejected. In addition, under Time Off Requests, a section called Resolved will list all requests that have been approved or rejected.
Please note that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permission to View/Update the Scheduler by Position(s) can approve and reject time off requests associated with Leave Management.
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