- I started to run the Employee Information Report, but I need clarification on what the different Options mean?
- Is there an explanation for each of the Options listed in the Employee Information report?
- Push Web App
Under the Employee Information Report, you can create a custom report relating to employee information based on the Options you select. The information will be generated by what is associated with your employees' Profiles in your account.
- Address: Employee's current home address
- Age: Employee's total age based on the assigned birthday
- Alt. Phone: Employee's secondary phone number if assigned
- Balances: Employee's assigned Policies, Policy Rules, and current balance from Leave Management (i.e. Paid Vacation, 2 weeks, 30 hours)
- Birthday: Employee's assigned year, month, and day of Birth
- Clock ID: Employee's current Clock ID to record worked hours
- Cost Center: Employee's assigned Home-Based Cost Center
- Department: Employee's assigned Department
- Email: Employee's current email address
- Employee Attributes: Employee's unique Attributes details (i.e. Shoe Size, Food Allergies, What languages do you speak?)
- Employee Number: Employee's unique number at a business if applicable
- Hire Date: Employee's date of hire
- Hours Structure: Employee's assigned Hour Structure or Custom Hour Structure (Company Default = Hour Structure)
- Last Clock Entry: Employee's last recorded clock entry in the account
- Last Worked: Employee's last date of work recorded in a Record of Employment (ROE)
- Payment: Employee's current Payment Method and details associated (i.e. Direct Deposit, Company Cheque, Push Cheque)
- Phone: Employee's main phone number
- Position: Employee's current Position and previous Positions associated with an employee
- Rehire Date: Employee's rehire date if assigned
- Salary: Employee's current Salary and previous Salaries associated with an employee
- SIN: Employee's current SIN/SNN
- Statutory Holiday: Employee's eligibility status to receive Statutory Holiday Pay/Work Pay automatically (i.e. If set to Ineligible, the system will not pay the employee for stat regardless if they are eligible)
- Tax: Employee's current Tax Information (i.e. Federal Claim, Additional Tax Deductions, Exempt EI)
- Vacation: Employee's current Vacation Accrual Type and Rate (i.e. Paid Out, Banked, 4%)
- Vacation Balance: Employee's total banked vacation (i.e. $300, not associated with Leave Management Policy)
- WCB Rate: Employee's current WCB rate if assigned
Additional Information
Once the report has loaded your selected information will be shown. You can either view the details in the new tab in your browser, print to a PDF or paper copy, or export to Excel.
You can also filter the report by selecting All, Active, or Inactive employees.
Each Employee Attribute that you have created under Company Setup will be listed for you to review the details in a report format. These details may have been collected during digital onboarding or updated by an Employee or Administrator at a later date.
Status Date is a column that is included in the report to note when an Employee Profile was last updated. If it states Unknown, this means that the employee profile was created by our Data Team during your company's initial onboarding, and there have been no changes since.
If you do not see the option to input an Employee Number in an Employee Profile, please contact the Push Support Team at to enable a feature.
Please note that only super administrators and team administrators with permission will be able to access this information.
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- How To Edit The Date of Hire In An Employee Profile
- How To Edit The Rehire Date In An Employee Profile
- How To Add A Custom Hours Structure To Employee Positions
- How To Update An Employees Salary Information
- How To Assign An Employee A New Position
- How To Create And Edit An Employee Attribute
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