Guide Overview
When reviewing the Reports list in Push, you may be looking for a specific piece of information relevant to an employee, payroll or your schedule. This guide breaks down what is included in each of the Push Reports.
Labour Reports
Report Name | Description |
Labour Cost & Sales Report: Total Detail | This report will display all employee's gross earnings for the week (active or inactive) based on an employee's salary, clock hours and earnings and deduction entries (does not include taxable benefits). The report is segmented by departments, positions, cost centers and individual employees. You'll need to enter the week's dates you'd like to view, and you'll need to scroll to the bottom of the report to view the Employee Summary. |
Labour Cost & Sales Report: Daily Summary | This report has the exact details as the Labour Cost & Sales Report: Total Detail, but the numbers are broken down daily. These reports help compare day-to-day operations. — you can choose any day. The report is segmented by departments, positions, revenue centers and individual employees |
Labour Cost & Sales Report: By Time Period | This report will compare periods that are pre-setup. For example, you can compare lunch and dinner periods, but you must have these time periods previously set up (in period labels under Company Setup). Once that’s been done, if you select a day, it will be broken up by time period. The report is segmented by departments, positions, cost centers and individual employees. |
Labour Cost: Current Real-Time | This report shows your daily sales summary reports by revenue centers, departments, and positions of the current day that the report is run. The most up-to-date data shows you details like labour budget, amount and variance. |
Labour Cost and Sales: Employee Summary | This report shows the number of days and employees worked within a specific date range reports and shows the employee's cost center, and department, including the regular hours, overtime, double time, any balances hours, statutory holiday hours, other others and the total hours for the pay period. |
Labour Hours Report | This report shows you how many hours have been worked and is organized by employee position. This is great for calculating tips, but this also considers off-run hours. If you adjust after a pay period, the hours will vary. |
Profit Center Report | This report details a breakdown of sales and hours by Profit Center and will show a breakdown of Sales, for example, food and liquor. The report also includes a list of the total number of covers for the day |
Clock Reports
Report Name | Description |
Clocks Hours Report | This report shows you all the records that your employees have clocked in and out. The report is alphabetically organized by employee Name. It includes everything from their clock in/out comments, total hours, approved hours, positions, and department names between the date or date range you select. |
Clock Hours Report: By Position | This report shows you all of the above, but it is sorted by an employee’s position. |
Clock Hours Report: By Time Period | This report displays the employee's name, positions, clocked in/out times allocated to the period labels created. This report also shows the number of hours worked within the period labels as a percentage. This report can also be generated by a date or a date range. Period Labels must be created from the Company Setup first before you can use this report. |
Clock Had ours Department Summary Report | This report displays the hours summary based on Positions and Departments. This includes providing you with the total labour based on the Number of Employees, Regular, Overtime, Doubletime and Total Hours. This report can be shown by date or date ranges. Period Labels must be created from the Company Setup first before you can use this report. |
Clock Survey Responses Report | This report displays all the responses to your clock surveys that you have set up under Company Setup. For example, you might have a health survey you want to assign staff the responses to those |
Consecutive Days No Clocks Report |
This report will show all your active employees and how many days they worked in a period, including the days. |
Breaks Report | This report will show you all the clock-ins and outs within the selected time frame, plus all break information. |
Schedule Hours Report | This report is very similar to the Clock Hours report; however, it displays the actual scheduled times instead of displaying the clock in/out times. It shows the Scheduler as a report with a breakdown of Regular, Overtime, Doubletime hours and shifts tag information, total break time and comments left at the time of clock in/out. |
Audit Clock Approvals |
This report will highlight potential concerns such as any missed clock outs or if someone has worked hours but has yet to receive a salary. |
Staffing Levels Report | This report will highlight how many people are staffed in across the business and is broken down by both Departments and Positions. |
Employee Reports
Report Name | Description |
Employee Tasks Report: Grouped by Tasks | This report will show you all the employees that have HR tasks assigned. The information is organized by task type. For example, if you have several employees tasked with updating their tax forms, you will see the Task Name: Tax Forms and a list of employees who have had it assigned to them. |
Employee Tasks Report: Grouped by Employee | This report will show you all the tasks assigned to each employee, detailing the task's due date, completion date, and status. |
Cost Centers - Employee List | This report will show you all employees within a cost center. It will also show employees with no cost center. |
EEO-1 Reporting | In the United States, the government requires specific reporting called EEO-1. This report gives US clients a breakout of the make up of their teams based on their race. |
Employee Information | This report displays a list of active and inactive employee information. It shows the employee's first and last name and the employee's status. It also gives you the option to include selected additional employee information. (Example: SIN, phone, address, position, last day worked etc.) |
Employee Notes | The report will show you all notes submitted over a period of time. This report can also be filtered for a specific timeframe. |
Employee Files Report | This report will show all employees with associated files uploaded by a manager or the employee-submitted files over time and provide a link to the documents. |
Employee Forms Responses Report | This report will show all the responses to the Forms you have set up in your account, such as tax forms, policies and procedures, and consent documents. |
Employee Emergency Contacts Report | This report will provide you with a list of all the employee's emergency contact information. |
Covers Report | This report will show how many covers your business completed vs total labour hours. Your covers will always be zero if you do not have a POS integration. |
Vacation Request Detail Report | This report will show you all the vacation requests that have been approved, rejected or awaiting approval within a specific time frame and includes the submission date and the manager who approved it. |
Weekly Availability Report | This report will list all employees' availability for the week selected and whether that availability was approved, rejected or pending approval. It will show how many days of work each employee wants to work, including the maximum number of hours they would want to work and if their availability has been updated, and the date that availability begins. |
Turnover Report |
This report shows you all the turnover in the business based on employee tenure/ It also details the employees' positions and the reason for them leaving the business. For clients on Premium with multiple locations, we recommend utilizing the Enterprise Dashboard for Turnover reporting. |
Payroll Reports
Report Name |
Description |
Journal Entries | This report will detail GL Codes assigned to specific parts of the journal line items and the Cost Center to which the costs are assigned. It will also split out all the debits and credit within the pay run. |
Journal Entries Range | This report will detail GL Codes assigned to specific parts of the journal line items and the Cost Center to which the costs are assigned. It will also split out all the debits and credit within the pay run. This report can be run for a specific date range which then shows cumulative amounts for all the Journals in that period. |
Garnishment Deductions Report | This report will show you all the garnishments included in pay runs. The report can be run for a date period, separate the garnishment by the pay run they were part of, and include the total. |
Payments Report | This report will show you the net pay of everyone within a pay run. It will also show all the payment methods processed in the pay run and any direct deposit information. You also can email the employees their paystubs based on the pay period the report is generated for. |
Overtime Report | This report shows all overtime earned within a pay run. It will only show overtime hours and what that calculates by pay period. |
Vacation Report | This report will show you vacation balances per employee and the cost center associated with the vacation. The report also details year-to-date values for hours and dollars and then breaks it down by pay period. |
Government Remittance Report | This report will show you the government remittances for a specific pay period. The report breaks down government contributions for both the employee and employer contributions, total payment in remittances, the payroll gross earnings and employee count for the specific pay period. |
Payroll Register | This report shows you each employee's paystub for a specific pay run that can be then printed if employees want a physical copy of their paystub. |
Cost Center Summary Report | This report will detail the costs associated with each Cost Center included in the pay run. It details the Total Hours, Regular Pay, Overtime. Double Time, Vacation Pay, Statutory Holiday and any additional earnings or deductions in the pay run. |
Cost Center Summary Report (Period Comparison) | This report will compare two pay runs between each other and split them out by Cost Center. It details the current, previous and different amounts across Total Hours, Regular Pay, and Overtime. Double Time, Vacation Pay, Statutory Holiday and any additional earnings or deductions in the pay run. |
Employee Hours Report | This report will give a breakdown of the total hours worked in each week of the pay period, including the total gross pay the employee received. |
Statutory Holiday | This report will provide you with all your employees and whether or not they qualify for the statutory holiday. It will also provide eligible reasons and how many hours are paid. When generated for the desired Statutory Holiday, this report will display a list of all active employees and their Statutory eligibility. It calculates the employee Statutory Holiday pay based on your provincial regulations and displays in detail how it was calculated by displaying each employee's Regular Hours and Gross pay total. |
Payroll Summary | This report will display based on the pay period dates selected. It displays the total gross pay and government remittances for the employee and employer. It will also include provincial taxes such as WCB/WSIB or EHT. It also provides the option to view these totals sorted by cost centers. |
Employee Payroll Summary | This comprehensive report lists all the earnings, deductions and benefits included in the pay run. For the dates selected, the report will display all the pay periods and paydays included in those days. It displays all the employee's gross pay details and government remittance contributions within the chosen date range. This report allows viewing these details per employee position or as a whole in employee's unique. |
Employee Payroll Weekly Average Summary | This report will display an employee's average weekly gross pay within a specified date. It calculates the amount by dividing the Total Gross Earnings for the date range by the number of Payweeks in the date range. |
Earnings/Deductions Report | This report will show all the earnings and deductions within a specified pay run. It will split each preset and position within the preset. |
Balances Report | This report will show each employee's balance for all their policies listed under leave management that employees have earned in comparison to what has been taken. |
Report for Re-Hired Employees On Leave |
This report will display certain employer payroll contributions (EI, CPP, QPP, QPIP) that can be refunded to you if you rehire an employee, but your business is still closed, and you do not require these employees to report to work/ the employee is still on leave with pay. |
Pay Run Period Difference | This report shows a list of employees who have a zero-dollar salary rate and need tax information and payment information, such as direct deposit. At the bottom of the report also, shows any changes to their salary since the last running payroll. |
T4 Summary Report | This report can be run for the entire year, a specific date range, or for all employees or just employees who are deficient in their contributions to the government. The report will include all the contributions an employee has made for the year and the amounts assigned to each box on the T4. |
Uncollected Deductions | This report outlines all of the uncollected deductions from a pay run. In the situation that an employee has taken vacation off it is important to add the deduction onto the next payroll to ensure the employee pays well, for example, their medical benefits. |
Tip Allocation Report | This report shows a breakdown of the pay period and the tips being distributed to the team on the pay run based on the settings in the Company Setup. The hourly rate is calculated by the total tip pool being divided by the employees total number of hours worked in the pay period |
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