This article explains how to correctly indicate employees’ dental insurance coverage on T4s using Box 45, as the CRA requires. Accurate submission ensures compliance with government reporting standards.
- Push Web App
When and Why Box 45 Needs to Be Completed:
The CRA uses Box 45 to determine whether employees qualify for additional dental coverage benefits under federal programs. Box 45 must be completed for all employees, regardless of coverage status.
- Eligible: Employees covered under employer-provided dental plans.
- Not Eligible: Employees without dental coverage through their employer or covered through external insurance.
- Click the Payroll tab
- Click the link under the T4 banner or on the left-hand Navigation bar, click Employee T4 Info Update
- Under Employee T4 Info (2023), you will see a list of all relevant employees
- On the right side, click the drop-down menu associated with Per Page and select either 20, 40, or 60 if applicable
- On the right side, click the box that corresponds with Hide Employees With Answer if applicable
- Under Answer, click the drop-down menu and select one of the following for each employee or directly above this select Assign Answers For All (This Page Only):
- 1 - Not eligible to access any dental insurance
- 2 - Payee Only
- 3 - Payee, spouse, and dependent children
- 4 - Payee and their spouse
- 5 - Payee and their dependent children
- Once done, click Save This Page
- In the pop-up, click Success
- The page will refresh, and the relevant Answer will be assigned to the employee(s).
Additional Information
For more details about Box 45 requirements, eligibility, and submission guidelines, visit the CRA Box 45 Guidelines.
Please note that Super Administrators and Team Administrators with the permission to Run Payroll will be able to make changes.
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