- Positions are not being included in Tip Pool
- The Tip Pool is not being calculated correctly
- A specific position is not included in the Tip Pool
- Push Web App
There are some reasons why an employee might not be included in the Tip Pool Distribution.
- POS Setup: Only some POS' (Point Of Sale) systems can sync tips with Push. Ensure the POS system can sync the tips before setting up Tip Pool Automation is important. You can find this out by contacting or your implementation specialist if you are still in training.
- POS Sync: Ensure the POS System is still syncing with Push. If you go to the Sales Tab and see no sales or tips, then the sync is most likely no longer running, and you can re-run the sync by following the steps in this article.: How To Manually Sync POS CommandseProfit Center Setup: Before setting up Tip Rules under Tip Setup, the most important thing to do is to create a Profit Center linked to the correct Revenue Center that was set up using the Revenue Centers in the POS (Point of Sale). One common issue is that all the positions that need to be included in Tip Automation should be listed as a position under the Profit Center. This article on How to Add a Profit Center walks you through the process.
- Rule Setup: After setting up the Profit Centers, the Rule Setup is the next important step. If the Rules are set up correctly, the position will be allocated the correct rate by the system. Look at the percentage distribution under the Sales Tips section of Tips Settings.
- Salaried Employee: TIp Pool Automation does not look at the Hours In The Salary Period on the salaried employee's position. If you would like a salaried employee to receive tips using Tip Pool Automation, you will need to have them clock in and out for their shifts. The salaried employee is still paid the same amount, but the clocked hours are used to calculate the distribution of the tips.
- Employee Clocks: If an employee does not clock in or out for their shift, they will not be included in the tip pool distribution because Push requires the daily clocks to calculate the distribution of tips. If you notice an employee should be included, we recommend running the Audit Clock Approvals Report for the pay period to make sure they did clock in and out. How To Generate The Audit Clock Approvals Report
Additional Information
Tip Automation is only available on Premium, and a Super Administrator can only adjust the settings. Tip Pool Automation is based on Positions and not the individual employee; this means that tips are distributed evenly to all employees with the Position.
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