T4 Availability Timeline and Access in Push


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    I'm a customer with push and I didn't receive an of my T4's and this monday we are already february 27th. 

    I have tons of employe's harassing me because they didn't received their T4's yet. I understand that the limit to produce this document by law is the 28th of february, but I would have expected that you guys produce these document almost instantly since you use software to help you do the work. 

    I was an Acomba user before, and the only thing I needed to do in order to get my T4's was to click on one button and that's it, was able to produce the first of January and to skip all the useless request of t4 I'm actually receiving because you guys are running late. I really don't appreciate this and I'm seriously thinking of switching provider for next year unless you can promess an earlier moment of delivery. My team will triple in size in the next two months and I'm really not looking for my t4 request rate to triple for next year as well. 

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