- How to approve Time Off Requests
- How to review Shift Approvals
- Push Web App
- Click the Scheduler tab
- Click Shift Approvals on the left-hand navigation bar
- Under Schedule Shift Change Requests, click Awaiting Manager Approval to review the list of Shifts that employees are requesting to switch or release
- To approve requests, select the Check Mark Icon under the Actions column
- To reject requests, select the X icon under the Actions column
- The page will refresh to save your changes!
- If approved, the following will occur:
- The system will automatically note the employee is away on the Scheduler for the relevant dates
If approved/rejected, the following will occur:
- The system will automatically send a notification to the employee of the changes
Additional Information
You will only see pending requests under Schedule Shift Change Requests - Awaiting Manager Approval, once employees have: picked up a shift OR employees who have swapped shifts have both accepted.
To see requests from employees who have released shifts OR requested to swap but still awaiting confirmation with an employee, please navigate to Schedule Shift Change Requests and click Awaiting User Action.
If you would like to review the Scheduling costs to employees switching or releasing shifts, we recommend clicking Schedule Shift Change Requests to review.
Please note that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permissions to View/Update the Scheduler by Position(s) will be able to approve and reject Shift Approvals.
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