- How to set up automatic benefits under Benefit Setups
- Push Web App
- In the top right-hand corner, click the Company Name
- In the drop-down menu, click Company Setup
- On the left-hand Navigation bar, click Benefits Setup
- Click Add New Benefit Calculation
- Under Edit, click the Pencil icon that corresponds with the new Preset
- Under Preset, click the drop-down menu and select the relevant Earning and Deduction Preset
- Under Name, click the drop-down menu and input the specific name
- Under Rate, click the Box and input the amount of the benefit
- Under Type, click the drop-down menu and select either Days, Hours, Total, Average Weekly Hours, or Weekly Hours
- Under Minimum Eligible Hours, click the Box and input the minimum required amount of hour(s) to qualify for the benefit
- Under Maximum Eligible Shifts, click the Box and input the number of shift(s) that an employee can work to be eligible for the benefit
- Under Applicable Presets, click the Box and select the relevant Earning and Deduction Preset(s) that qualify or Leave Blank to select All
- Under Positions, click the Box to select the relevant Position(s) or Leave Blank to select All
- Once done, under Edit, click Save
Additional Information
Rather than a recurring Earning and Deduction entry that is the same dollar amount no matter what the employee worked. Benefits Setup allows you to automatically calculate the dollar amount for the benefit based on what the employees must work a minimum of x number of hours per day or x number of shifts per pay period.
For example, a business provides a Meal Benefit of $5 per shift an employee works; however, the employee has to work over 5 hours minimum to qualify.
If an employee works more than the Maximum Eligible Shifts, the benefit will stop applying.
ALL presets indicate whether to filter on any Earning and Deduction preset(s) when computing the benefit amount for each employee. For example, if you only select "regular pay" and "overtime pay", the system will only take "regular pay" and "overtime pay" into account when deciding the benefit amount. You will also have the option to filter the positions that the benefit will be calculated for.
Please note that only Super Administrators have access to make changes under Benefits Setup.
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