Click the CompanyName in the top right-hand corner
In the drop-down menu, click CompanySetup
On the left-hand Navigation bar, click BreaksSetup
In the top right-hand corner, click +NewBreak
Under Break Name, input the title of the Break
Under Break Duration (Minutes), input the total amount of minutes of the break
Under Pair or Unpaid, select the RadioButton icon that corresponds with the break being Paid or Unpaid
Under Positions, click the RadioButton icon that corresponds with either All Positions or Custom Positions
Under Custom Positions, click Edit Positions
In the pop-up, check/uncheck the box(es) that correspond with the specific Position(s) that will have access to the Break or click Select All
Once done, click SelectPositions
Under Break Prompt, leave blank (required for California Break Compliance)
Under Break Waiver, leave blank (required for California Break Compliance)
Under Employees must take this break between hours __ & __ of the shift,
Employees can waive the break between hours __ & __ of the shift,
or Uncheck the box if employees have the ability to come back from their break early without an Administrator override
Enforce Violation, leave blank (required for California Break Compliance)
EmployeeSelectable,check the box in order for employees to see this break as an option to take
WarningThreshold, leave blank (required for California Break Compliance)
DangerThreshold, leave blank (required for California Break Compliance)
Once done, click Save
Additional Information
This is the second and final step to ensure employees can record their breaks. When these break options are created, the employees can choose what break to go for when inputting their Clock ID in the Push Time app.
Note that Advanced Breaks is only available on the Push Time app.
Please note only Super Administrators have access to Breaks Setup.
The Advanced Break feature is currently available on the Premium Subscription.
If you do not have this feature and are interested, please contact Push Support at to connect you with the relevant team.
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