- How do I pay my employees for sick pay?
- How can we track employees that have received the sick pay?
- What reports will assist us in calculating the amount of sick pay that an employee can receive?
- Is there other ways of tracking who has received the sick pay in Push?
- Push Web App
- Click on the Reports Tab
- Under Report Types, click on Earnings / Deductions Report
- Select the chosen Pay Run Date
- Click Generate
Additional Information
The Earnings and Deductions Report will assist you with tracking which employees have received the Sick payout as it is filtered by preset and by pay periods.
The Employee Payroll Summary Report will assist you with calculating an average day's pay for the last 30 days for employees who are eligible to receive the Sick Pay, as it will show a break down of the earnings an employee received by pay period. For more details, we recommend referring to the BC Government website on which types of earnings qualify in this calculation.
Another way to track which employees received the sick pay is through using Employee Notes that is assigned to each employees profile or Employee Attributes which after being completed, can be generated in the Employee Information Report.
Please note that only Super Administrators or Team Administrators with the correct permissions will be able to make these types of changes to the account.
Contact our Support Team at support@pushoperations.com if you do not have the preset Sick Payout. Once this preset has been added, you will be able to input the funds to pay your employees through an Off Run or under Earnings and Deductions for your upcoming payroll.
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