- I received a link to complete a Survey, how do I do so?
- How to submit responses to an Engagement Survey
- How to send my answers in an Engagement Survey
- Push Web App
- Open the unique URL link sent by your workplace
- Login to your account to verify you are a current employee (Your name will not be recorded if the Survey has been set as anonymous)
- A new tab in your web browser will appear with the Engagement Survey
- If the Question is a Multiple Choice, click the Circle icon that corresponds with your choice of answer
- If the Question is a Short or Long Answer, click the Box and input the necessary information
- If the Question is a Scale, click the Circle icon that corresponds with the number rating with your choice of answer
- Once done, click Submit
- The page will refresh and state Survey Complete if submitted successfully and you may close the browser!
Additional Information
Engagement Surveys can be completed through a web browser (recommended to use Google Chrome) on a laptop, computer, or mobile device.
Engagement Surveys allow you as an employee to submit any feedback your Company requests.
At the beginning of each survey, there will be a summary based on what your workplace has inputted and state whether the responses will be anonymous.
If you open a link to an Engagement Survey and the page states one of the following:
- Survey Unavailable: The Survey is no longer accepting responses and has been closed (i.e. the deadline to complete has passed)
- Access Restricted: Your status as an employee is no longer current and you no longer have access to complete this Survey
If you require assistance completing an Engagement Survey or have questions about the Survey, please contact your employer/direct manager to best assist you.
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