- How to pay missed hours on a payroll
- How to pay a terminated employee
- How to pay an employee separate from the Payroll Schedule
- Push Web App
- Click the Payroll tab
- On the left-hand side, click Run-Off Run
- Click Add A New Off Run
- Under Period Start Date, Period End Date, and Pay Date, click the box(es), and a calendar will appear for you to select the specific date(s)
- Under Employees On The Run, check the boxes that correspond with the specific employee(s) or click Select All (Active) to select all active employees
- Once done, scroll down and click Add Off Run
- The page will refresh to the Payroll Off Run page
- Under Employees, click the Coin Stack above the listed employees
- The page will refresh to the Earnings and Deduction Setup but associated with the Off Run
- Under Presets, click the drop-down menu and select the desired preset(s) (i.e. Regular Pay)
- The Frequency auto-populates to One Time, and the Date auto-populates to the date created in the Off Run
- Under Employee, click Select Employee and select the relevant employee or click the Search Box and input the name of the employee (only employees who were part of the creation of the Off Run will be listed)
- Under Position Details, this will auto-fill the rate of pay and position based on the selected employee
- Click the drop-down arrow if the employee has multiple positions and select the relevant one if applicable
- Input the number of Hours and click Calculate Amount to calculate the dollar amount; If you only want to put a dollar amount, leave the Hours section blank and fill in the necessary information under Amount
- If you have other employees to add for the same preset, click Add Employee and repeat steps 12-14
- Once complete, click Submit Earnings/ Deductions
- The page will refresh; repeat steps 9-16 if you need to add other Presets for any other employees who are part of the Off Run
- Once finished adding in the preset/earnings, scroll to the top and on the left-hand Navigation bar, click Run Off Run
- Under Actions, click the Play Button icon that corresponds with the current Off Run
- Click View/Approve Pay Run to review the Off-Run details
- If everything looks correct, click Approve Payroll to process or click Delete Payroll to make adjustments
Additional Information
Users will have two different options of how they wish to add entries for employees in an Off Run after creating:
- By selecting the coin stack under the main Off Run page
- By navigating to the main Earnings/Deductions page and selecting the Off Run under Frequency
Both options will filter only to show the selected employees in the Off Run selected.
The Start Date and End Date cannot be the start date, cut-off date, or payment date of a current or past pay period, while the Pay Date cannot be the cut-off date or payment date of a current or past pay period.
You are able to process Off Runs for both Active and Inactive employees. However, inactive employees will not have any position or salary information, and you will need to calculate the total dollar amount you wish to pay them.
We recommend reviewing the Payroll Schedule in the Company to assist you with choosing the Start Date, Cut Off Date, and Pay Date in an Off Run.
If you need the Off Run to be paid out as soon as possible, we recommend selecting the same date for the Start Date, Cut Off date, and Pay Date.
Please note that only Super Administrators and Team Administrators with permission to Run Payroll will be able to process an Off Run.
In Step 10, the Position is not populated for a terminated employee. With the position the total cannot be calculated.
I think it makes sense to run the regular payroll that will take care of everything, and only then terminating the employee.
I hope this helps.
I needed to create an off run for hours missed in the pay period, but had to add them to a future payroll period which incorrectly allocates the insurable hours and earnings to the wrong pay period.
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